
The Quick And Easy Guide To AI Chatbots


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AI (artificial intelligence) chatbots are a new and exciting development in digital technology. AI chatbots can be used to do anything, from answering questions about pizza or B2B selling cycles.

Artificial intelligence chatbots are sometimes viewed as almost magical. They can cause confusion and even anxiety among those who encounter them.

AI bots are a great way to improve your digital experience. This is a very powerful tool.

How can AI chatbots elevate business conversations? What is AI?

The introductory guide to AI chatbots will answer all of these questions and many more.


AI chatbots can understand human language by using NLP.

AI Chatbot Software can understand other languages than the pre-programmed ones and will respond to the site visitor based on data that is already present. Site visitors can take control of the conversation using their words.

AI bots are constantly learning from the conversations they have and can adapt their responses to changing situations and patterns over time. These chatbots can be used in several ways, such as analyzing customers’ feelings or predicting visitors’ needs on a site.

The AI Robot

Nearly 50% of marketers have no experience with AI. It is important to note that you don’t need to be an NLP expert or programmer to build a chatbot.

Here is a brief overview

When a user asks a question on a site, the AI chatbot will analyze the tone, sentiment, and intent. It then tries to give the most appropriate answer.

To achieve this, AI chatbots will require a large amount of data. A programmer must train them to understand the context of a speaker’s speech. It is only through this understanding that chatbots can respond to questions naturally and organically.

You don’t need to be worried if you’re nervous about creating an AI bot. Drift Conversational AI, for example, is pre-trained on over 6 billion conversations and specific topics for your business. AI Topic Library lets you customize responses to common issues. Drift integration lets you add examples or create custom topics.

By understanding the basics of AI chatbots and using the right software, you will be able to create an interface that provides visitors with the most pertinent information at the perfect time. To learn more, please visit our resource.

AI or rule-based robots: Which one is best?

The decision you make between AI chatbots and more traditional rule-based chatbots ultimately depends on the use of your chatbot. Different types have different purposes.

The chatbots which follow pre-established rules and follow the script are automated.

While not as flexible, rules-based bots do have some advantages. They are great for guiding your audience toward specific goals.

However, rules-based chatbots aren’t designed to respond to language changes. If a visitor to your website asks you a specific question, the chatbot won’t be able to answer it.

Your sales representatives can also use this information to personalize conversations with your clients.

Many common use cases are:

  • Analysis of Sentiment: Analysing large data sets to determine customer reviews and complaints across multiple touchpoints.
  • Understand behavior patterns. Helps identify patterns that a person may have missed.
  • Reacting and learning from the user’s preferences: Customizing a site, such as saving language preferences or custom content.

We recommend choosing a chatbot platform that offers AI and rule-based chatbots. It is possible to choose a platform that offers AI and rule-based chatbots.

To deliver the best possible experience, it is essential to use an AI chatbot platform that can understand the tone of voice and social cues.

You can customize your chat experiences with Drift’s chatbot. Request a free demo.


Good researchers know that the process of making decisions involves asking questions.

Before implementing AI Chatbots you need to ask yourself some important questions. Do you want to build a strong strategy or are you just looking for a way to communicate with your clients?

Does it work with the tech stack I already have?

Chatbots that are integrated with your technology stack will be the most effective.

To achieve the best results, you’ll want to select a chatbot that works well with your CRM system, email provider, and marketing tool.

Integrations allow you to connect AI bots with your existing technology through dozens of native integrations, such as Salesforce Marketo HubSpot and Office 365.

Does the AI CHATBOT have to be pre-trained before it can work?

AI chatbots that are the best use data already available. Choose a chatbot with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of your particular industry. Take into account how long it will take you to train your bot.

Drift’s Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI) has learned from 6 billion conversations and is still improving. Drift’s Conversational Artificial Intelligence has been trained in over 6 billion conversations, and it is still growing.


AI-based chatbots are quickly becoming a necessity for B2B as well as C2C salespeople.

Many businesses struggle to understand AI and the way it could be used to improve their business. This is despite predictions that AI would have a trillion-dollar impact on sales.

Good news! The drift helps to solve the problem.

Businesses that have invested in Drift can see an ROI of up to 670 percent.

Schedule a demonstration to see how Drift AI and chatbots can help you.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.